Thursday, August 20, 2009

List of Sinnoh Gym Leader (Location and Weaknesses)

Gym leader is the leader in their own gym( need to explain that). Anyway, gym leader main job is to test trainer and their Pokemon so that they are strong to compete with the elite four at the end of the game. By defeating Gym leader, they will earn gym badge and totally in the game the trainer need to get 8 badges.

I will put the location, weaknesses and also the gym leader Pokemon for info.

List of Sinnoh gym leader:
  1. Roak(rock type)
  2. Gardenia(grass type)
  3. Maylene(fighting type)
  4. Crasher Wake(water type)
  5. Fantina(ghost type)
  6. Byron(steel type)
  7. Candice(Ice type)
  8. Volkner(Electric type)
1. Roak(rock type)
Pokemon use: Roak use same Pokemon in D/P and Platinum that are Geodude, Onix and Cranidos.
weak against: fighting,grass,ground,steel,water
strong against:bug,fire,flying,ice
note: Onix do weak to ice due to it rock/ground type. It also making Onix quadruple weak to grass and water.
location: Orenburgh City

2.Gardenia(grass type)
Pokemon use:Gardenia pokemon in D/P is slightly different than in Platinum
D/P: Cherubi, Turtwig, Roserade
Platinum:Turtwig, Cherrim, Roserade
weak against:bug,fire,flying,ice,poison
strong against: ground,rock,water
note: Roserade is grass/poison type, thus making it not weak to poison.
location: Eterna City

3.Maylene(fighting type)
Pokemon use: Maylene use same Pokemon in D/P and Platinum that are Meditite, Machoke, Lucario
weak against: flying,psychic
strong against: normal,rock,steel,ice,dark
note: Lucario is fighting/steel type, thus making it not weak against flying and psychic, but lucario main weaknesses are ground, fighting and fire. While Meditite is fighting/psychic making it weak against flying and ghost attack.
location: Veilstone City

4.Crasher Wake(water type)
Pokemon use: Crasher wake use same Pokemon in D/P and Platinum that are Gyarados, Quagsire and Floatzel.
weak against: electric, grass
strong against: fire,ground,rock
note: Quagsire is water/ground type, thus making it immune to electric type attack, but it leave Quagsire quadruple weak to grass.
location: Pastoria City

5.Fantina(ghost type)
Pokemon use:Fantina pokemon in D/P is slightly different than in Platinum
D/P: Driflim, Gengar, Mismagius
Platinum: Duskull, Haunter, Mismagius
weak against: dark, ghost
strong against: psychic, ghost
note: Haunter and Gengar are ghost/poison type , so it is also weak to psychic, while Driflim is ghost/flying type thus making it also weak to electric type attack.
location: Hearthome City.

6.Byron(steel type)
Pokemon use:Byron Pokemon in D/P is slightly different than in Platinum
D/P: Bronzor, Steelix, Bastiodon
Platinum: Magneton, Steelix, Bastiodon
weak against: fighting, fire, ground
strong against: ice, rock
note: Bastiodon is rock/steel type thus making it not weak to fire attack, rather it weak to water and quadruple weak to fighting and ground. Byron Bronzor on the other hand psychic/steel type and has the ability levitate, making it immune to ground thus making it only weak to fire. while Steelix is steel ground type, making it also weak to water.
location: Canalave City

7.Candice(ice type)
Pokemon use:Candice Pokemon in D/P is slightly different than in Platinum
D/P: Snover, Sneasel, Medicham, Abomasnow
Platinum: Piloswine, Sneasel, Abomasnow, Froslass
weak against: fighting, fire, rock, steel
strong against: dragon, flying, grass, ground
note: Medicham is totaly not an ice type it is fighting/psychic making it weak against flying and ghost. Froslass is ice/ghost type making it immune to fighting type move, but it is also making Froslass weak against dark and ghost.
location: Snowpoint City.

8.Volkner(electric type)
Pokemon use:Volkner Pokemon in D/P is slightly different than in Platinum
D/P: Raichu, Ambipom, Octillery, Luxray
Platinum: Jolteon, Raichu, Luxray, Electivire
weak against: ground
strong against: flying, water
note: Ambipom is normal type pokemon thus making it only weak to fighting type move. While Octillery is water type so it is weak to electric and grass but be ware that Octillery able to use ice beam to counter grass type.
location: Sunyshore City.

Pokemon Types, Strengths and Weaknesses

This Pokemon blog is purposely develop to share knowledge in Pokemon generation 4 that can be playable in Pokemon Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum.

To date, they are 17 types of Pokemon:
  1. normal
  2. fighting
  3. flying
  4. poison
  5. ground
  6. rock
  7. bug
  8. ghost
  9. steel
  10. fire
  11. water
  12. grass
  13. electric
  14. psychic
  15. ice
  16. dragon
  17. dark
All 17 types of Pokemon have their own strengths and weaknesses. Below I have simplified the data on the advantages and disadvantages of every type.

Effective: None
less effective:rock,steel
weak against: fighting
note:normal attack have no effect on ghost type (but move foresight and odor sleuth will make ghost immunity been remove)

Effective: normal,rock,steel,ice,dark
less effective: poison,flying,bug,psychic
weak against: flying,psychic
note: fighting attack have no effect on ghost type (but move foresight and odor sleuth will make ghost immunity been remove).

less effective: electric,rock,steel
weak against: electric,ice,rock
resist: bug,fighting,grass
note:flying type Pokemon is immune from ground type moves,but if gravity move is used or iron ball is given to the flying type, the flying type will take damage.

Effective: grass
less effective: ghost,ground,poison,rock
weak against:psychic,ground
note:steel type Pokemon is immune from poison type attack

less effective:bug,grass
weak against:ice,grass,water
note:ground attack have no effect on flying type and Pokemon with the ability levitate.(but move gravity will make flying type immunity been remove). Usually ground type Pokemon can learn rock type move hence it will damage the flying type Pokemon without the used of gravity move.Ground type Pokemon also immune to electric type move.

less effective:fighting,ground,steel
weak against:fighting,grass,ground,steel,water

less effective:fighting,fire,ghost,poison,steel
weak against:fire,flying,rock

less effective:dark,steel
weak against: dark,ghost
resist: bug, poison
note: normal and fighting attack have no effect on ghost type (but move foresight and odor sleuth will make the ghost immunity been remove)

less effective: electric,fire,steel,water
weak against: fighting,fire,ground
resist: 11 types, the only types that steel did not resist are water,fire,fighting,ground and electric
note: poison type attack have no effect on steel type

less effective:dragon,fire,rock,water
weak against: ground, rock, water
resist: bug,fire,grass,ice,steel
note: usually fire type able to learn solar beam(grass type move) to counter all three types weaknesses.

Effective: fire,ground,rock
less effective:dragon,grass,water
weak against:electric,grass
note:usually water type able to learn ice beam(ice type move) to counter grass type weakness

less effective:bug,dragon,fire,flying,grass,poison,steel
weak against:bug,fire,flying,grass,poison

less effective:dragon,electric,grass
weak against:ground
resist: flying, steel
note: ground type Pokemon not effected by electric type move

less effective:psychic,steel
weak against: ghost,dark,bug
resist: fighting,psychic
note:psychic type move have no effect on dark type Pokemon.(but move miracle eye will make dark type immunity been remove). Usually the psychic type will able to lean focus blast(fighting type move) to counter dark type and fire type attack to counter bug.

less effective:fire,ice,steel,water
weak against: fighting,fire,rock,steel

less effective:steel
weak against:dragon,Ice
note:consider by many to be the best, but slightly harder to raise and usually most of final evolution of dragon type have secondary type such as flying and ground, thus making it quadruple weak against ice.Fortunately dragon type able to learn various type of move (break break, flame thrower) enable it to counter it weaknesses.

less effective:dark,fighting,steel
weak against:bug,fighting
note:dark type is immune to psychic type move(but move miracle eye will make dark immunity been remove).